3715 LED Light Review by Tiziano Pojer (Italy)

By Alexa on February 03, 2015
3715 LED Light Review by Tiziano Pojer (Italy)

Firefighter: Tiziano Pojer
Country: Italy

PELI Products 3715 LED Light

Shape: The light has nice clips on the back, which make it easy to position it in many places. Unfortunately, the shape makes it impossible to put the light inside the pockets of the uniform we have designed for lights; but with the clips it is still possible to fix it to the pocket, to the SCBA or even to the fire belt. The cable that prevents the battery cover from falling is very useful, and the system to close the cover is very robust.

Light: The light is very powerful, intense and much higher quality than the previous models I have tried. It works fine both at a distance and close up. The idea of the three LEDs pointing on the ground is something really special; I had never seen a light with this feature and I found it extremely useful to help me see even while walking. The idea to have the charge status with the LED on the button is also cool and useful. The on/off button is comfortable even with fire gloves, but it is not so easy to change the light mode, as most of the time it switches the light off instead of changing the type of illumination. I found it not intuitive, so I would suggest thinking about another method to change the light mode.



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