Peli Pro Team EbroSurvivor: A journey full of environmental commitment

By Alexa on June 01, 2021
Peli Pro Team EbroSurvivor: A journey full of environmental commitment

EbroSurvivor is an expedition team formed by Pablo Garcia (communications specialist), Aitor Flores (audio-visual producer) and Jorge Garcia (sound engineer), three friends who will descend 120km down the Ebro River in Spain by kayak from the 19th to the 27th of June. The Ebro Delta is one of the most important marshlands in the Mediterranean and a slowly disappearing sanctuary for birds from all over the world due to climate change. Ebro Survivor’s goal is to raise awareness of how climate and environmental change directly affects the river and the wildlife in the surrounding area.

ebrosurvivor lay it downTheir connection with nature began long before they ever thought about kayaking the river; however, their idea to kayak the river began when they were walking along the banks of a river and were amazed by the plastic and rubbish that littered the riverbed. Soon after, they decided to plan their first expedition to try to illuminate those unaware of the problem. As soon as the COVID-19 lockdown in Spain came to an end last year, they went to the Ebro River and picked up all the plastics and other waste they found both in the river and on the shore.

This year they are back with a whole new purpose: to understand and spread the word about why this beautiful landscape is slowly disappearing. For that, they are planning to film a documentary during the expedition about their experience and the importance of environmental conservation. As EbroSurvivor member Pablo García states, “In our team there is no athlete or expert kayaker, and we are not daring explorers either. We are just normal people, three friends concerned about the environment and who want to do something good for the river and the Earth.”

EbroSurvivor’s initiative is one in which PELI is happy to support through the donation of a selection of PELI cases to protect the team’s cameras and communication equipment during the expedition and to ensure these arrive fully functional. Stay tuned for more from EbroSurvivor when we learn about how their expedition fared.

In the meantime, PELI wishes Ebro Survivor a very fond farewell!

Visit EbroSurvivor's website here and follow them on Instagram here!


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