Life-saving equipment: Interview with Hellenic Rescue

By Alexa on May 22, 2019
Life-saving equipment: Interview with Hellenic Rescue

“I lost some friends in accidents and I wanted to learn something to save a life.”

Antonis Troumoulis, President of Hellenic Rescue Team Kos Station confides on his desire to help save human lives with his non-profit Search and Rescue organization.

What is a typical day like for you?
Every member has their one job. After the job finishes we train for about 2 hours unless we get a call for a rescue mission. If we have a call we go to operate.

Tell us about your most memorable experience or adventure. Where was it? What happened?
Actually, I've had a lot during my operations the last 19 years. One of the most difficult was a refugee that had a surgery and came to Greece with a boat at a rocky place. We had to save that guy carrying him through the sea and mountain with the basket board on our heads.

What equipment / kit do you usually need for your projects?

On a mission the most important equipment we carry are: 

Radio, First Aid kits and personal safety equipment like helmets, torches, uniforms.

How do PELI Products help protect your kit? Which products do you use?
The most vital equipment we currently have to protect are the radio systems. The cases will protect our equipment.

What advice would you give someone who is seeking the same line of work?
As long as we are volunteers, the only thing is to have the power and the want to help.

What’s your next project or adventure?
We want to go on more in-water rescue missions as we had a donation of 2 SAR vessels.

Hellenic Rescue Team is available 24/7 for every one that needs help in difficult conditions.


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