2 Months & then "Anchors Up!" for Voile Esperance

By Alexa on June 17, 2019
2 Months & then "Anchors Up!" for Voile Esperance


Adventure and challenge await! This August, our friends at Voile Esperance embark on a mission to sail around Brittany, Over 570km of sailing in one week! The team has been training since March and aims to film their encounters on this epic journey.

The film will require a good amount of Audio Visual equipment as well as know-how.

“Indeed, as part of our adventure, the movement of equipment sensitive to the elements we encounter will be frequent.”

With the goal of creating a 1 h 20 minute film, Voile Esperance is asking for PELI´s assistance to protect their AV supply.  “This is because PELI [waterproof cases] has an important place in the world of audio/visual in the natural environment.”

We are happy to support Voile Esperance on this special journey that not only challenges previous sailing missions, but supports association DEBRA France in the development of a treatment to cure epidermolysis bullosa. About half a million people are affected by this disease globally, including 10 year old Leo, who will accompany Voile on their mission.

The crew departs from Saint-Malo on August 24, 2019 – sailing by daylight and sleeping under starlight.

“On a beach catamaran, not habitable, sleeping under the stars….”

Please stay tuned to see what Voile Esperance together with PELI Products, Leo, and courage can accomplish.


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