Pick N Pluck™ Foam – How to Set it Up

By Brian on January 13, 2020
Pick N Pluck™ Foam – How to Set it Up

Most Peli™ cases come standard with Pick N Pluck™ foam, an easy, do-it-yourself system for case interiors. The soft ester foam provides great protection for valuable or sensitive items. The Pick N Pluck™ foam is pre-scored into small cubes which allow you to customize your Peli™ case to meet your specific needs.



Watch the video above or read on to learn how to set up your Pick N Pluck™ foam case to protect what matters to you most.

How to Set Up Your Pick N Pluck Foam Case

Open up your full foam set and begin placing it into your case. A full foam set comprises of lid foam, base foam and one or more layers of Pick N Pluck™ foam.

Step 1: Lay Out All the Kit on Top of the Foam
Firstly, lay out all the kit you want the case to house on top of the foam. Allow room for sufficient foam around the perimeter and between items to cushion effectively. A one cube wide wall is the absolute minimum between items.

Step 2: Mark the Position of Each Item
Next, use cocktail sticks or matches to mark the position of each item. Alternatively, you can use chalk, which will easily rub off later.

Once this is done, remove your item leaving only the outlines made by your match sticks.

Step 3: Remove the Cubes
Now, It’s time to begin removing cubs. Simply push them out where necessary on your top layer of foam, using your matches or cocktail sticks as your guide.

Step 4: Adjust the Depth of the Pocket
For cases with two or more layers of foam, you may need to adjust the depth of the pocket for some of your larger items. Once you have pulled out the top layer of foam, use the match stick technique again to ensure you will be plucking the right area for any of your larger items.

Step 5: Remove the Complete Block
Once measured out, you need to ensure that you remove the complete block.

Step 6: Make a Horizontal Cut
You will then make a horizontal cut at the correct depth, so your larger item will be stored safely.
Once cut, place back in cut side down and put any other foam back in place. Place all of your items back in their positions and make any last adjustments if necessary.

Your Pick N Pluck foam and your case is now ready to go!

Visit our website to find out more about our cases and our different interior case solutions.

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