Become a PELI PRO!

By Alexa on January 01, 2020
Become a PELI PRO!

Peli Products is constantly looking for new, inspirational personalities who are truly passionate about something and love to share their story.***

You can be a firefighter, a police officer, a creative film-maker, a sportsman or an outdoor enthusiast - it doesn’t matter! Additionally, if you have a humanitarian or scientific mission or you are simply part of an rescue or emergency first responder team, we would like to hear from you!

Peli's product range is as diverse as the lives of PELI PROs.

Find out more on how to become a Peli Brand Ambassador by clicking on the button below:

Become a Peli Pro!

Learn more about our current Peli Pros to get an idea of what we are looking for.

***The Peli Pro Program is only valid for legal residents of the European Economic Area countries (excluding the United Kingdom). If you are a UK resident, we encourage you to contact our UK partners here. If you are not an EEA resident, we encourage you to contact us here for more info


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