A Few Essential Items to Bring to the Beach this Summer

By Brian on August 03, 2022
A Few Essential Items to Bring to the Beach this Summer

It’s summertime, and thus, it is that time of year to head on over to the beach and catch some rays. Given that Peli is headquartered Barcelona, we know a little thing or two about the best practices when it comes to making a trip to the beach. However, as anyone that is a frequent beach goer will tell you, remembering all the things you need is often a chore. Thus, whether you’re going on a beach camping trip or just a day trip, we have a checklist of essential items for you to make sure to bring with you to the beach below.

What to bring to the beach?

This won’t be an exhaustive list, but it’ll certainly give you an idea of what you’ll want to bring. Even if you think you have it all planned out, a lot of times, things just don’t go to the plan.

Basic Items
  • Sun cream
  • Sunglasses
  • Bathing suit
  • Towel/beach blanket
  • Sandals

The above items may seem obvious, but it if we didn’t mention the above, this wouldn’t be a very good checklist of items for going to the beach, so we thought it was worth mentioning. If there are only a few items that you bring to the beach, the above would be the ones to go with.

  • A good book
  • Speaker/radio
  • Padel/football/volley/other games

As far as entertainment goes, it’s up to you as to what to bring. For some people, a relaxing day at the beach reading their favourite book is all that’s needed. Others will want to listen to music or their favourite radio talk show or podcast. If you’re going to forgo headphones, just keep in mind that others that are relaxing around you may not be too happy to hear the latest reggaeton song jamming at high volume.

Of course, for those that want to move around, volleyball, football or something like padel, which seems very popular here in Spain, are all great games for playing on the beach. All of these options are great for people that get a little bored of just sitting around on towel all day.

Sun protection
  • Hat
  • Umbrella
  • Windscreen

We already mentioned sun cream, that really should go without saying. However, sun cream only goes so far and if you don’t want to have wrinkles by the time you’re 25 years old, you may also want to consider just getting out of the sun all together at times, thus a good hat or even better, an umbrella might be just what you need.

Additionally, on some beaches the wind can get incredibly strong, which makes it hard to enjoy a nice relaxing day at the beach. Very popular in places like Portugal, or anywhere where the wind speeds at the beach reach high levels, is a windscreen to block the sand that kicks up from strong winds. Consider one of these depending on the conditions the day you head to the beach.

Gear for longer-term beach camping

Many of us think of heading to beach as a day or even half-day activity; however, we are aware that some like to make it a longer-term, days-long or weeks-long, vacation activity. If that’s the case, and you’ll be staying at a beach camping site, there may be a few other items you’ll want to bring with you. Check out our check list for essential camping gear here for more information.

Waterproof protection

As you might imagine, in addition to the sand, there’s a lot of water at the beach. If you bring small electronics, such as a phone or a camera, you run the risk of getting it damaged. But what if you had a IP68 waterproof mini case to put it in? Well, Peli has you covered. Our Mini Cases are perfect for protection of small sensitive components such as smartphones. You can protect your gear from the elements in a crushproof, watertight, & dustproof Micro Case from Peli.

Additionally, our Ruck cases are a newer innovation from Peli, which are also adept a such protection. The RUCK case is the ultimate personal utility case for your personal gear that is crushproof, dustproof, watertight and adventure proof. These ultimate personal utility cases are an innovative and strategic storage solution designed by Peli's engineering team to help the user protect their small electronics, phones, wallets, keys and tools from external elements with total peace-of-mind while on outdoor trips, working under extreme conditions or simply during poor weather conditions.

Not only can you protect your gear from the elements, but if you are wary about leaving your expensive electronics on the beach as you run into the water to take a dip to cool off, you can even bury the case in the sand and be sure that dust will not be able to enter. And any passers-by with villainous intentions will be none the wiser. Once you’re back, you can just dig up your case and find your gear dry and sand free.

Should you like to know more about our personal utility cases, download a FREE guide to find out more.

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